I Had a Dream

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I (Pat) woke up startled from a dream about 3:00 a.m. on January 1, 2021.  I was in a large auditorium, along with many others, listening to a preacher bring forth God’s Word.  As he spoke the word boldly, people began to leave one by one until no one was left in the room except him and me.  We looked at each other as if to say, “What just happened?”  I was thinking to myself, He is preaching good, and I love the truth.  Why is everyone leaving?  Once again, I saw the same scenario play out.  And then I knew this was the church and these were believers.  I wondered why this was happening and then I realized they were leaving because they were not willing to listen to the truth.  But why?

And then the Lord said:  “These are the ones that are walking away when times get difficult and the word is hard to hear.”  He said, “The approach to reach people must change, because it’s been a “formula” that’s not working.  I am not in a formula.  Ministers are not seeking Me for answers.  Every ministry time with each person is different.  Jesus didn’t do things like a formula.  He sought Me for how to approach everything.  This is why the church is void of power―signs, wonders, and miracles.”

That’s why He wants us to seek Him in everything we do.  We must seek Him for the answers, the insight, and the strategies.  Then we won’t struggle in what we do.  Nor will it take as long as we might think it needs to.  We must get free from religious spirits and religious mindsets because the religious mindset has tried to reduce God to a mechanical formula.  When we are free, then we will be able to hear with the Holy Spirit is saying for us to “say” when ministering to another person.  Then we will “do” works that are Holy Spirit inspired, Holy Spirit led, and Holy Spirit anointed.  We will then have much greater success in the work of ministry―whether one-on-one, or to the masses.  Ministry should never be a “one size fits all,” a “formula” prayer, or a mechanical approach.

We Invite You to Pray With Us:

Father God, forgive us for reducing You to a religious formula!  Help us to always rely on You when we minister―whether to an individual, a small group, or a large congregation.  Let us listen carefully for Your voice of instruction and understanding.  We know You want us to be successful in ministry.  We also know we cannot do without Your wisdom, Your grace, Your power, and Your anointing.  So, as we choose to let You lead, we thank you that the results will be tangible, and we will have great success.  People will receive and they will go and tell others what great things You have done for them.  We thank you for signs, wonders, and miracles following us.  All these things we ask, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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