Vito Rallo

Vito Rallo

Vito was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit in 1971. In 1983 he completed his first formal Bible training. In April of that year, he founded Free Indeed Ministries and began evangelistic outreaches. A graduate of Bethel Bible Institute, he is also a Doctor of Divinity from Ames Christian University.
Vito has authored several books, which have been (and are being) distributed around the world, and are being used dynamically by pastors, teachers, and many others. His book Breaking Generational Curses & Pulling Down Strongholds, has become a best-seller. Before the book was birthed, however, the Lord took Vito through his own fiery trial in which God revealed that many Christians (including himself) had strongholds and struggles in their lives which had greatly hindered them in their walk with Him. The Lord showed Vito that His plan of salvation includes setting the captives free and healing the brokenhearted!
Having gone through this healing and deliverance process himself and desiring to help others come to a place of greater victory and freedom, he began teaching seminars, showing others how to identify and break the bondage that had hindered them in their walk with Christ. The book (which was birthed from these seminars) simply put into everyday language Biblical knowledge, principles, and instructions that would be used to help many people, young and old alike, find true freedom in Christ. The evidence of the fruit from this book has come forth through the numerous testimonies the ministry has received over the years.
Vito has also authored an explosive book, Exposing the Dangers Behind Martial Arts & Yoga, which although controversial, has been used mightily in helping many find freedom from the devastating spiritual consequences of one’s participation in martial arts. The testimonies continue to come in from this book as well.
Vito continues to minister in various areas of the U.S through “Walking in Freedom” Seminars as well as many other venues. Everywhere Vito goes, he helps rekindle one’s passion for Jesus and prepare the body of Christ for His imminent return. His down-to-earth approach is truly contagious as it stirs the hearts, refreshes the souls, and imparts encouragement and hope to all.

Pat Rallo

Pat RalloPat was born again at the age of nine and grew up in a denominational church. Years later, after going through her own personal wilderness and many seasons of life, she was licensed and ordained through Bethel Bible Institute. Called to be a biblical teacher and counselor, she was trained as a lay counselor at Life Christian Church in St. Louis, Missouri. She teaches alongside her husband at their “Walking in Freedom” Seminars, and she also speaks regularly at women’s groups, workshops, and conferences.
Pat authored her first book; This Life is Not a Dress Rehearsal! in 2009 and her second (co-authored with Vito) Heaven Bound was released in October 2010. Over the years, Pat has helped many people get on track and stay on track with God. Filled with love and compassion, she does not hold back from speaking the truth of God’s Word. The fruit of their ministry is seeing the broken hearted healed and the captives set free. Pat believes every single believer has a vital part to play in advancing the kingdom of God here on this earth, and she longs to see believers everywhere walking in the fullness of their callings and giftings.

February 15, 2023

We feel grateful to be connected to the ministry of Vito and Pat Rallo. We believe they are truly a tool in the hand of God. We saw God use them here in Africa to deliver people from the oppression of the devil and equip hundreds of pastors in their Freedom Seminar. We are most thankful for Vito’s book, Breaking Generational Curses & Pulling Down Strongholds, which is an all-time best seller in Africa, especially Ghana.

Core Beliefs

The Holy Bible in its original language is the holy, inspired, infallible Word of God, given to us as a guide to a life of integrity and uprightness in thought, word, deed, motive, and purpose.
We believe God is an all loving, good, infinite, unchangeable, holy, wise, perfect, eternal Spirit, who has no beginning and no end. God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. God is One, but Triune, eternally existing in three divine persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus, the Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.
Mankind was originally created in the image of God, but through the original sin of Adam, the human race fell into utter spiritual death and corruption. Through the gift of Jesus Christ and His righteousness, every person is given the opportunity to be restored to right relationship with God the Father. Jesus was manifested on earth as “God in the flesh” for the purpose of destroying the works of the devil, redeeming mankind from his fallen state, and restoring mankind to fellowship with God.
We believe all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and are in need of salvation. We believe Jesus (who led a sinless life) was the perfect sacrifice for our sin and thereby paid the penalty for our sins and generational iniquities. By confessing our sins and choosing to forgive those who have sinned against us, we can be forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness. We believe thorough, heartfelt repentance is a specific act when we first come to Jesus yet should be on going if and when we involuntarily sin after that.
Jesus Christ is the only way we can be reconciled to God the Father. Through Him, as Savior and Redeemer of mankind, God reconciled fallen mankind to Himself and has provided redemption for those who willingly repent of their sins, receive and appropriate the “finished work of the cross” on which Jesus voluntarily laid down His life. Through His bodily death, burial, and resurrection, that work was accomplished, finalized, and made available to all who would believe, repent, receive, and obey. We are justified in Him and gladly receive His free gift of righteousness.
We believe that sanctification was also accomplished for us at the cross, but is evidenced in our lives by allowing and yielding to the purifying work effected by the Spirit of grace (the Holy Spirit) in the life of the believer. The result of this on-going work is the ability to walk in holiness, consecration, and dedication to the Lord, as well as sweet fellowship with one another.
We believe in water baptism as a commandment of the Lord and is symbolic of a person dying to the old man and being raised to walk in newness of life, identifying with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.
We believe in the periodic partaking of the Lord’s Supper as a way of remembering and celebrating the spiritual benefits we have received through our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe the bread and wine is symbolic of His broken body and shed blood, and as we partake in a repentant, humble manner, we appropriate all that the bread and wine symbolize.
We believe in divine healing either by God’s sovereign touch, or by God’s power flowing through a vessel (man, woman, or child) that God has chosen to operate through. We believe the ability to walk in divine health is scriptural, but may often be conditional on one’s obedience, as well as one’s level of faith.
We believe it is the will of God that every believer be baptized in the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by the demonstration of God’s power through the manifested gifts of the Holy Spirit and the boldness that immediately follows. Jesus was baptized in the Holy Spirit and that is how He was able to accomplish the mighty works He did when He walked on this earth. Without this power, it is impossible to do the works that Jesus declared we also would do.
We believe the Great Commission consists of preaching the gospel to the whole world, casting out demons, healing the sick, helping the needy, and making disciples of Christ; doing the same works that Jesus did, which he commanded “all who believe” to do in Mark 16:15-18.
We believe the return of Christ is imminent, that the Church (His bride) is being matured and prepared for His coming, and that He will literally return in the clouds above the earth, at which time “the dead in Christ will rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (according to 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and otherwise known as The Rapture of the Church). We are not dogmatic on when this event will occur, but we believe it will occur, according to Scripture, and that our main focus should be to pray and be ready, as Jesus declared we should do. The Bible tells us that if we are committed followers of Christ, we are not appointed to receive the wrath of God which will be poured out during the 7-year tribulation. We believe that His Return to meet us in the air (otherwise known as the Rapture of the church) and His Second Coming (at which time He steps back onto the earth) are two separate and distinct events, clearly described in the Bible.
We believe that everyone will appear before the judgment seat of God and will give account for his or her life and will receive eternal rewards. We will go to one of two places, either Heaven or Hell. We believe that those who know Christ will eventually reside with him in a heavenly place where there will be no more curse, no sorrow, and no pain. It will be a wonderful place which God has prepared for those who love Him and have come to Him through believing in and obeying the commandments of His Son, Jesus.